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This is my homework about Paper airplanes and what boomerangs are!

Paper Airplanes

The paper airplane that flew the furthest was the design that was in more of a glider design. I think this was the case because the wings were nice and wide, this could allow ore air molecules to go under the wings and let the plane glide. The center of mass was also more to the front of the airplane and this effected the plane in a positive way because the plane tilted more forwards than if it was closer to the back, the plane wouldn't glide as much. There wasn't much drag in my design and this was because the areas were both smooth on the top and bottom of the airplane. There weren’t any flaps because it was hard to stand them straight although there was a rudder at the bottom to guide the plane more efficiently.

History of Boomerangs

There are 3 main types of boomerangs which include the ¾ boomerang, the killer, the hunting boomerang. The ¾ boomerang comes back to the thrower and was often used for catch and horseplay. The killer boomerang was used to hunt kangaroos and emus but these do not come back. the hunting boomerang can be thrown over the longest distance and they were used to hunt emus, kangaroos and birds. They have been found in Egypt as well as Australia. The wings of boomerangs are shaped like airplane wings and they produce aerodynamic lift as it moves through the air. Air moves faster on top of the wing than the bottom because of the shape of the wings, due to the spinning of the boomerang and the leading edges being the same, it lifts when thrown.

To learn more about the history of boomerangs, check out this website!